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Product Name:AcalephFluor594 IF Detection System Kit (Goat Anti-Rabbit)
Cat No:CRG1120
*Application Key:
H - Human, M - Mouse, R - Rat, B - Bovine, C - Chicken, D - Dog, G - Goat, Mk - Monkey, P - Pig, Rb - Rabbit, S - Sheep, Z - Zebrafish
*Species Reactivity Key:
E- ELISA, WB - Western blot, IH - Immunohistochemistry, IF - Immunofluorescence, FC - Flow cytometry, IC - Immunocytochemistry, IP - Immunoprecipitation, ChIP - Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, EMSA - Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, BL - Blocking, SE - Sandwich ELISA, CBE - Cell-based ELISA, RNAi - RNA interference
100 Assays
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Description:AcalephFluor594 IF Detection System Kit (Goat Anti-Rabbit)
Application:AcalephFluor594 IF Detection System Kit is a non-biotin, one-step detection system that allows for the demonstration of antigens in paraffin-embedded tissue, cryostat sections, and cell preparations. This kit has been developed using a proprietary hyper labeling technology used to label IgG directly with more AcalephFluor594. One step system provides increased sensitivity, time savings and detection simplicity. All the components contain with PBS, proteins, stabilizers and preservatives. This kit is suitable for single, double and triple immunofluorescence detect. The color is emerald red with a correct result.
Storage/Stability:Store at 4°C for one year.
Platform:Ex/Em = 590/617 nm
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