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  • Immunohistochemical analysis staining in human breast carcinoma formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section. The section was detected using DAB Chromogen Kit. The section was then counterstained with haematoxylin and mounted with Neutral Gum.
Product Name:DAB Chromogen Kit
Cat No:CRG1005
*Application Key:
H - Human, M - Mouse, R - Rat, B - Bovine, C - Chicken, D - Dog, G - Goat, Mk - Monkey, P - Pig, Rb - Rabbit, S - Sheep, Z - Zebrafish
*Species Reactivity Key:
E- ELISA, WB - Western blot, IH - Immunohistochemistry, IF - Immunofluorescence, FC - Flow cytometry, IC - Immunocytochemistry, IP - Immunoprecipitation, ChIP - Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, EMSA - Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, BL - Blocking, SE - Sandwich ELISA, CBE - Cell-based ELISA, RNAi - RNA interference
60 ml
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Description:DAB Chromogen Kit
Application:3,3' Diaminobenzidine (DAB) is a widely used chromogen for immunohistochemical staining. In the presence of peroxidase enzyme, DAB produces a brown precipitate that is insoluble in alcohol. This kit is prepared for Immunohistochemistry, Immunoblot or Dot Blot.
Storage/Stability:Store at 4°C for one year.
  • Immunohistochemical analysis staining in human breast carcinoma formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section. The section was detected using DAB Chromogen Kit. The section was then counterstained with haematoxylin and mounted with Neutral Gum.
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